
Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Healthcare desparate to spend more

I wonder if the NHS desperate to spend more
Two examples
If you look at old reports the NHS is supposed to save £337million by using Microsoft products. That is not an issue if Microsoft was the only software producer of exclusive products. Let us take the example of common office use software such as writers, spreadsheets, presentations etc. It is no secret that Open Office has been available for a long time now and is completely free; there are others such as Libre. They are all fully compatible with MS word. What prevents the NHS from using it? The arguments we get are usually as follows, the support provided by Microsoft which is crucial will be lost and the office software is only a small component of the services provided by Microsoft and is unlikely to make a difference. 

To be frank I have nothing against Microsoft or their products, I like them and use them. The point I am trying to make is that the NHS seems not too keen to look at every possible saving.

The recent re-organisation
From about 150 Primary Care Trusts the recent changes mean that NHS could end up having 500 commissioning organisations. Which could translate to 500 CEOs, 500 finance directors, 500 new logos and 500 new of everything.  Cannot be sure that it exactly translates like this, but at a superficial level it seems so. I sincerely hope that the improved quality that is aimed for is achieved.

These are surely an over simplification of issues but it is possible that we in the NHS have forgotten that it is small drops together that make an ocean.

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