UK postgraduate
medical examination pass rates – what are your chances if you an
The GMC annual
survey report for 2018 is now published
While the GMC’s focus seems to be on the training environment, it
is important to delve into the online reporting tool
) where the detail resides.
I have a long
interest in poor outcomes for discriminated groups and looked at the
pass rates for postgraduate examinations. The results are still not
that great or even for IMGs and BMEs. Overall, if you are a UK
graduate with a white ethnicity – then the pass rate is 75.1% and
if you are an IMG-BME the pass rate is 42.2% and if you are an
EEA-BME then it falls to 37.2%. Basically if you are white UK
graduate you have a 100% higher pass rate than some BME doctors. We
can argue about the unfairness of this and have done so in the past.
However, let us
focus on UK graduates alone for now. Overall there a white UK
graduate has a 12 percentage point higher pass rate than a BME UK
graduate. That is pretty gross. When you point this out, the classic
false arguments based on sub-classification starts (schools in UK,
candidates from abroad joining UK medical schools, etc) which
essentially devalues the many years of UK medical school teaching and
Then if we start
looking at how individual specialties are faring in their faculty and
royal college pass rates, we find that most have an approximately 12
point difference biased towards white UK graduate doctors and biased
against BME UK graduate doctors.
There are one
postgraduate examination where UK white doctors and UK BME doctors
have more or less even pass rates (with only a 3 percentage point
lower for UK BME doctors) – that would be the Faculty of Public
Health examination.
There is one
postgraduate examination where UK BME graduates fare better than the
UK white graduates by 10 percentage points. That would be the Faculty
of Occupational Health Examination.
The biggest
difference between UK white doctors and UK BME doctors is the RCGP
examination where there is a 14.5 percentage point difference in
favour of UK white doctors.
It is a sad fact of
UK healthcare that such differences exist.
Overall if you are
an IMG-BME you have a 57.8% failure rate in UK postgraduate
examinations according to the GMC’s latest report.
Due to the medical
staff vacancy crisis in the UK, the powers that be have increased the
‘MTI’ duration from two to three years with a view to attracting
more IMGs to UK. The IMGs would hope to obtain some UK qualifications
– though the reasons they are recruited is because they are already
qualified specialists in the first place.
Make wise decisions.
Would you put your
money in a scheme where you have a 57.8% chance of losing it? That is
the downside. On the upside, you do have a 45.2% chance of not losing
your money and in the bargain getting your qualification – what
happens then? You need a more detailed analysis of what your chances
of getting into a training post, chances of returning to the country
of origin without a CCT/CESR, getting back to your country of origin with a CESR, etc.
As a doctor with a
scientific qualification data based decision making would be
recommended. Think deeply.
Also think deeply of
the impact of the process, – knowing that you have a high chance of
failing examinations, knowing about the realities of career
progression – even if you were eventually successful in your
examination or career progression.
Think deeply, very
deeply. Make wise decisions. It is not easy but it does affect your
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