
Sunday, 7 October 2012

Increased Quality and Reduced Cost - Possible in India

I have a long held view that quality is inversely proportional to cost which means as for a given activity as the quality improves cost decreases. This is actually possible in India as well.

Let me share a clinical anecdote that may illustrate my point. It may be dated and trivial to many current readers but was very relevant to the patients and clinicians at that time.

In the late 1990s I was working as a surgeon in Sir Ivan Stedford Hospital, Ambattur, Chennai, India ( This is a charitable hospital where we used to charge very small nominal amounts of money to provide services. A few rupees for out-patients, few tens of rupees for scans and so on. Being India, one of the commonest operations performed happened to be surgery for hydrocele. The way it was conventionally performed may be very familiar to many of you. The operation of course ended with a large bandage tightly applied to the scrotum with the purposes of avoiding problems like pain, infection, haematoma, oedema etc. These patients were also put on antibiotics for 10 days or more. Many of these patients used to come back with soiled dressings and the exact problems that doctors were trying to avoid. Doctors used to wonder what else could be done to improve the situation.

Not using a bandage was thought to remove an all important barrier that avoided exposure of the scrotal wound to the unhygienic toilet situation in India and despite using 10 days or more of antibiotics infections were happening. Barrier and antibiotics thought to be bulwarks against contamination and infections were not working.

I actually thought the tightness of the bandage caused oedema and increased pain. The presence of the bandage increased sweat and moisture in an already humid perineal area in a warm country. The bandage also easily became wet because of the toilet washing habits of the country and acted as a rich environment to create infections.

Having worked in England where the scrotal bandage was not routinely used after scrotal surgery, I took the bold step of not using scrotal bandages to hydrocelectomy patients much against the advise of my friends and colleagues. Of course, I suggested the use of the proper scrotal support clinical hosiery which was either not available or when available was very expensive. An alternative had to be found. I simply asked my patients to buy 7 of the cheapest 'A' or 'Y' front underpants from the shops opposite the hospital otherwise I would not operate on them. I used these normal commercially sold underpants over a couple of pieces of sterile gauze placed on the scar, changed once a day by the patients themselves, in the place of scrotal bandages for my patients changed by clinical people. Most of my patients found this very amusing. Some were resistant, perhaps hesitant, because the had not worn such a type of undergarment before. My colleagues were of course greatly humoured by what they thought was my naivety and enthusiasm.

In a few weeks, post operative follow up clinics were showing that my patients were walking in and walking out in super speed and for the rest of the surgical team there remained the usual levels of post op problems with pain, oedema, infections. Having eliminated the scrotal bandage which I thought was causing the problems, I then moved to single dose prophylactic antibiotic as I used to do in Britain.

Word of mouth and social observations in a local context those days was of course as fast as twitter or facebook now. The talk was about how patients spent less money on changing bandages and buying antibiotics while getting good results. Soon my colleagues avoided scrotal bandages, used undergarments as I recommended and moved to a shorter course of antibiotics often just 3 doses (instead of the usual 10 days).

Of course the people who charged for the change of dressings and the people who sold antibiotics were not happy. But I can tell you who were happy, the guys who sold the undergarments. They were really happy. 7 undergarments per hydrocelectomy patient in a hospital that did hundreds of hydrocelectomies, they must have been ecstatic. Well, I know they were, as one of them approached me and offered a commission to me (his bloody nerve) if I could recommend patients to buy the undergarments specifically from his shop – no different from the drug store chap then!

Clinical complications reduced – i.e. quality improved. Cost reduced.

Okay, this example is not about whole systems, scientific proof, published evidence and other high & mighty things. It is one little example. What I cared and what our patients cared is that we had lesser clinical problems and we achieved it by doing/using/costing less. Perhaps hydrocele surgeons in India are no longer using scrotal bandages and 10 days antibiotics - that is why this anecdote may be very dated but the general lessons are in my view still valid.

Increasing quality while decreasing costs can be achieved in India as well. Perhaps due to the large number of people who are around the poverty line this concept becomes even more relevant to India. We must remember that though the GDP is high the per-capita money is very low in India. Individual doctors are not dealing with the mighty high GDP India; individual doctors deal with the individual patients of low per-capita India. That is why low cost high quality care becomes essential.
Follow me on twitter @HemadriTweets


Barbara Meyer MD, Lesotho said...

I loved this story! What an inspiration for all of us to think creatively about how to solve a problem.

Dr Mahesh Chand Jain said...

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